School News Zakho Students Learn About First Aid Grade 2 students at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, attended a first aid presentation... KG 2 Students at Zakho Appreciate Painting Activity KG 2 students at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, participated in a painting activity... Grade 4 Students at Zakho Enjoy a Day of Games Grade 4 students in Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, spent a Saturday playing... Grades 1 to 6 at Zakho Compete for Cleanest Class Cup On September 9, 2016, students in grades 1 to 6 in Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan,... Students Receive Discipline and Attendance Certificates Students in grades 1-5 received Discipline and Attendance Certificates at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP... Students and Staff Celebrate Flag Day 2015-2016 Students and staff at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school, celebrated Flag Day on December 17, 2015. Students Receive Trophies for Academic Achievement Students in grades 1-5 at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school, received trophies for their academic... Honor Students Recognized at Zakho International School Honor students in all grades at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school, were recognized for their hard work... Kindergarten Students Enjoy Winter Break Celebration KG1 and KG2 students of Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school, participated in a winter break celebration... Zakho Students Celebrate International Children’s Day KG2 through Grade 4 at Zakho International School, a SABIS® PPP school, celebrated International Children’s Day on... < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >